Sensfeel Pheromone Booster Perfume for him 10 ML


There's a key difference between a regular perfume and a pheromone booster.
While pheromone booster perfume is used just like a regular one, it directly boosts a female attraction towards a male.
Details of how this happens can be read in a full description.

Maximum boosting effect is achieved in 30 minutes after spraying on the body and continues for several hours.

10 ML in volume. designed to be fit for travel.

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Sexual Pheromone is a set of odorless and imperceptible substances produced by body that, when released, promote chemistry and attraction between individuals of same species. In humans, male sexual pheromone is androstadienone.

As your skin consumes Sensfeel perfume, it starts deploy more androstadienone thanks to its active ingredients of Forskolin and Theaflavins.

This perfume containes 2% pheromone booster ingredient Sensfeel™ for Him, the highest concentration rate recommended to the formula. Before the mass production, the perfume went through an independent research, clarifying that it androstadienone production is increased by 258% 1 hour after application. This perfume makes you over twice as much attractive for women on a chemical level. Let us explain how exactly this plays out: As you pass by them, you're gonna get noticed. They're gonna notice and remember you. They won't be able to explain why are you somehow more noticeable than others, but you will be. Nobody will lose their mind and randomly ask you for a fuck, but remember that you start talking to every girl in a room before you actually say anything. Your visual talks, your manners talk and none the less - and the strongest, your biology talks. These are the factors deciding how the girls react to you walking up to them. The same girl, in the same situation, on the same mood may have a cardinally different reaction on the same guy approaching depending on what vibe you deliver with your looks, manners and chemistry. Chemistry is usually the hardest one to figure out, but we've got you covered here.

We recommend applying this perfume on high blood pressure areas, such as arteries to the left and right side of your throat and arm wrists where the pulse is felt from.

10 ML in volume, enough for around 170 applications.
The same brand produces a pheromone boosting body and hair care elixir.

ph interval: 6.5 - 7.5

You can't read the smell, better to check on spot. Though we'll give you top notes: Grapefruit, Geranium, Vetiver. Don't spray it 10-20 times like a lot of people do with cheap Chinese perfumes. This is a legit stuff so no need to shower yourself in hopes of the effect. 1-2 spray on your throat and maybe a single spray on each side of your arm wrists is totally enough.



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