If you ever played a guessing game, this is basically it but around sex. You sit with your friends, take turns taking the cards from the stack one by one and read what is written on it. Others need to guess what you are. A simple example:
- When you're in me you are hot. It helps to get my rocks wet. Coming inside me makes you sweat.
Won't spoil with you with an answer on it. The participants of the game need to guess what you are.
For example, someone took the card and you guessed what he is. He gives you that card and you keep it to you. If nobody guesses - than you just discard the card. At the end you count how many cards each player has guessed. Whoever holds the most is the winner. You can play on wishes - a winner can get one wish towards any other player.
There's 50 cards in the stack. The game is in English.